Intel floating point coprocessor (80x87)

see also Intel assembly language, or Notes contents for MIPS Assembly

Prepared by Lin Jensen , Bishop's University, for CSc 116 Assembly Language class.

This is a brief list of som basic float instructions for the csc116 class, in case anyone wants to use floating point arithmetic.

The intel floating point coprocessor contains 8 registers, which are internally 80 bits. Load and store instructions exist to transfer either 32-bit "single" or 64-bit "double" values.
The most interesting thing about these registers is that they are organized as a STACK, which is not to be confused with the normal stack in memory.

finit		;initialize the coprocessor
Loads "push" a number on this stack, stores "pop" the top of this stack, as indicated by the suffix p.
fld     source       ; pushes the real number in source 
fstp destination ; pops the top into the destination, as a real number
Conversions from/to integer are handled during load and store:
fild	integer_source	; converts source to a real and pushes it
fistp integer_dest ; pops top, converts to integer and stores in destination

Arithmetic operations

"pop" the top two numbers and "push" the result back. No operands. (note: there exist many varients using operands, including integers.)
fsubr ; reverses the order of operands (it matters for subtract)
Comparisons compare the top two numbers on the stack. You can remove one or both if you like
fcom		; compare
fcomp ; compare and pop one
fcompp ; compare and pop both

A sample of some more specialized f-instructions

fldz		; 0.0 on top of stack
fld1 ; 1.0 on top of stack
fldpi ; 3.1415..... on stack

fsqrt ; top replaced with its square root
fcos ; same for trig function

fwait ; processor waits for coprocessor to finish operations

Last updated 14 December 2004. Back to Intel assembly language, or Lab 11 or course Notes contents for MIPS Assembly