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6a) MIPS function call and return

When we call a function (procedure, subroutine), we normally want to come back to the place we left, the following instruction. To do so, we need a means of remembering our place, so the function can return to it. Some convention needs to be agreed upon as to where to store a return address. Some conventions that are in use are:

MIPS uses register 31 as the return address register

We have actually seen the jump instructions involved in function call and return, they are:

As an example, we could have a simple function to print an integer, that takes care of the detail of remembering the system call number, and another to print an end-of-line character: (I've added extra labels just for the trace below)

print_int: 	li  $v0, 1 
p: syscall
q: jr $ra #PC := $ra (c: or f:)

la $a0, endl #define in .data as "\n"
x: li $v0, 4
y: syscall
z: jr $ra #PC := $ra (d: or g: )

These can then be called to output some numbers

a:	li  $a0, 42        # writeln (42)
b:	jal print_int		# $ra := c:  and PC := print_int:
c:	jal endline		# $ra := d:
d:	li  $a0, 1999      # writeln (1999)
e:	jal print_int		# $ra := f:
f:	jal endline		# $ra := g:
so the sequence of execution is
a:	li	$a0, 42
b: jal print_int #$ra == c:
print_int:li $v0, 1
p: syscall
q: jr $ra
c: jal endline #$ra := d:
endline: la $a0, endl
x: li $v0, 4
y: syscall
z: jr $ra PC := d:
d: ...

This suffices for a main program calling functions sequentially. However, it does not allow for a function to call another function, so later on we will see how to save return addresses systematically, using a stack.

A full length example based on Wednesday's class is on the file sums.asm It includes a function sum, and another, printsum, each called twice. sumshex.asm is a version that prints the sums in hexadecimal instead, using instructions we will encounter in chapter 7, shift and logic instructions.

Prepared by Lin Jensen, Bishop's University, 4 February 1999 updated 25 February 2002

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