CSc 417/517 Assignment # 8

Transaction Processing

Due: By the time of the final exam, if done by Wednesday, feedback will be prompt.

The following 2 transactions execute the following steps in the order indicated, unless something has to be delayed, or a transaction aborted,  in order to preserver serializability. The question is, what will actually happen under these two alternative sets of rules. Will a deadlock develop? If so, you may choose to abort either transaction, and proceed with the other.

1. Two-phase locking rules

  1. A lock must be acquired on a data element prior to any access of it.
  2. Once all locks have been acquired, locks may be released as soon as the transaction has completed all operations on an element.
  3. "Dirty reads" are allowed. A transaction may read any element once it acquires the lock. However, if it reads a value written by a transaction which later aborts, the reading transaction must also abort.
  4. Because of 3, a transaction may not commit until the dirty read is resolved, by the other transaction aborting or being likewise ready to commit. Should two (or more) transactions get into this state waiting for each other, all may commit.
  5. [If you don't like rules 3 & 4, revise rule 2 to prohibit dirty reads]
  6. If there is a cyle in the graph of transactions waiting for locks held by another, abort any one of them.

2. Timstamp serialization

  1. Transactions will be given a timestamp when they perform their first database accesses, and serialized in that order. In this case T1 comes first, before T2.
  2. Multiple recent values of an element will be retained.
  3. Each data element's value also has write and read timestamps: wt: the transaction writing the value; rt: the latest transaction reading that value.
  4. A reading transaction will obtain the most recent value whose wt is less than (or equal) to its timestamp. It will increase the rt of this value to its timestamp if necessary.
  5. Late write aborts: A writing transaction will check that no value of the element has a rt greater than its timestamp, or else it aborts. (This is necessary because the "younger" transaction should have read the value about to be written.)
  6. [If you don't like "dirty reads" add a commit bit at rule 3, and modify rule 4 appropriately]

1. Locking

Put in the lock and unlock statements required, and reorder the statements as the locks require.

For your remarks:
read A

read C

write A

write C

read B

write B

read B

read A

read C

write A



2. Timstamping:

Write down the values (make up some) and their wt & rt,  and reorder the statements if necessary.