CS 307 Lab 3
due as specified on course web page
In the jensen and ships databases, do these queries requiring
aggregate functions and GROUP BY:
- Count how many courses
are taught by each professor, and how many credits they total.
- (don't copy result) List
all course codes and count of enrolled students, for courses that have
at least 2 students enrolled
- List all course codes and
titles and count of enrolled students, for courses that have at least 2
students enrolled (like last one, but requires a join).
Queries that could be done using a subquery
(but not necessarily a grouping):
What attribues uniqely identify a "room"?
- List all courses taught in the rooms used by prof Jensen (code
and title).
- List names of all students enrolled in courses taught by the prof
who teaches 311.
In the Ships database,
- The average bore of battleship classes (type='bb')
- The average bore of all battleships (type='bb'), and their total
number of guns. This average should be different from the 1st query,
- The number of ships involved in each battle.
- The number of battles in which each ship participated, if more
than 1.
Submit your results in the usual way - by email or, submit cs307 yourfile