Database Lab 2
Due as specified on course webpage.
The timetable in the jensen database
The database named jensen
has some tables (relations) that are
filled with some data taken from the Bishop's website, with courses in
CS for Winter 2020.
I have kept what was there for "Lab 0"
since you may be enrolled in some, updated the timetable for cs307 and added current courses cs 203 and 211.
The schema of these relations is:
Courses (class, credits, days, time, bldg, roomno, title, prof)
Profs (pname, given, office, ext, email)
Student (name, given, linux, email)
Enroll (linux, class, grade)
Dayx (days, dayo, day, jour) -- ex: MWF | 1 | Mon | lundi
All attributes are CHARACTER, except for course, credits, grade, dayo and ext, which are integer. Primary
keys are underlined.
The primary key for Students is your linux account code, since we all
have them, and they are unique.
In Enroll, linux references Students(linux) and course references
DAYX is a relation you may find useful in creating a schedule, it
gives for each "days" value observed, a relation to the days of the
week, in numerical order, english, and french.
A view is simply a named, stored
query, and by default is not updatable. (It is "read only.")
Finally, a view will be useful in question 7, to order your class
schedule, it is based on DAYX and courses. It includes a union of
courses and labs, sort of. (use \d+ schedule
to see the
actual definition)
schedule (class, day, time, bldg, room, dayo, title)
The syntax of the insert statement is (examples follow)
INSERT INTO table(column,...) VALUES ( ... );
INSERT INTO enroll VALUES ('mickey', 307, 66);
INSERT INTO enroll (class, linux) VALUES (307,'mickey');
The first example assumes the order of columns in the table. String
values must be in single quotes. When using psql, you can type on many
lines, and end the query with ; (semicolon)
Introduction to SQL queries
SQL is not case sensitive. The basic form of the select statement is:
SELECT columns -- or * for all columns. By the way, -- means the rest of a line is a comment.
FROM table
WHERE condition
String constants must be enclosed in single quotes, and are case sensitive. For example,
to find O'Hara, or courses in CSC, write
WHERE name = 'O''Hara'
Note that you have to double the apostrophe, so as not to confuse the
SQL interpreter.
Using psql:
- Open a terminal, and start the client
with the command
psql jensen
- psql commands:
- \d to see a list of tables, etc.
- \d people to see the structure of the table people
- \h NAME to get help on some sql statement,
- \e to edit the
last statement. This is easier for a multi-line statement than using
- \q to quit the monitor
- SQL statements, here is an outline of the various clauses of
SELECT. You can type any sql statement in psql, they can cover several
lines, and end with a semicolon (;). Up-arrow recalls previous lines.
In this outline, keywords are bold, optional things are in [square
brackets] and one or more things in {curly brackets}
- select {list of
attributes and aggregate functions}
- from tablenames
- [where {conditions}
- [group by
- [having
{conditions on the grouping} ]]
- order by
{column(s)} [descending]
- JOIN constructs. {You can't use the first form for "outer"
joins) for the others, inner join is the default
- from people, phone where = [and ...]
- from people [left | right
| full] join phone on ( =
- from people [...] join
phone using (id)
- from people natural [...]
join phone
- from (student natural
join enroll) natural join courses
- courses left join labs
using(course) -- to get also courses without labs Natural join won't work, Why?
- SUBQUERIES can be placed in the where clause, for example
- where linux in (select
linux from student where name='Mouse')
- where not exists (select
* from enroll where enroll.course = courses.course)
-- this is a co-related subquery, which must be
reevaluated for each row of the outer query, involving courses
Do (at least) these queries:
In order to give you credit for the lab, please select and copy
from the terminal window, and paste into a text file, all the queries
(SQL), and results for those marked (copy). Suitable editors are Mousepad,,
kwrite (in Applications|Accessories), xemacs, vi and
nano - the simplest terminal editor. If you insist on using a word processor, use the normal extension
for it, such as .abw, .odt, etc, not
Keep your text file to less than 220
lines (4 pages).
Submit it to me, instructions
are at the end of this writeup.
- Insert yourself into the Students table and Enroll yourself into
at least 2 courses, if you have not already done so in earlier labs.
- Show all the profs (Just the names) that appear in courses. Do
this in alphabetical order. Get rid of the duplicates (DISTINCT)
- Show course, days, time, room, title for all courses taught by
- List all the students enrolled in 307, ordered by (family)
name. include all data about them that's in the student table
- (copy) List all the
students enrolled in 'Computer Organization' bearing in mind that
this course has several course codes (include this, as well as all the
information and ordering of the last question.
- (copy) List all the
courses that you are enrolled in, with course code, title, prof.
- (copy)List your whole
class schedule, giving course code, title, day, time and room. Order by
dayo and time. The relation DAYX, or view SCHEDULE will
help you with this.
Completion of lab:
By Friday at the latest, please.
At the end of this lab, please submit the text file into which you will
have pasted the required queries and the 3 results I asked for.
You may also put in
any comments you think are appropriate:
Please put your name at
the beginning of the file, so when printed I can identify it
later! Give it to me,
At a linux command prompt (terminal): OR email it to me.
submit cs307 filename
Prepared by Lin Jensen.
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