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CS 307, Using and Designing Databases

Course Outline

Professor: Lin Jensen
Office: Johnson 103
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 11:00-12:00 , or by appointment
see also
Course meets MWF 10:00 - 11:00 in NIC-213.
Lab Fridays 1:00 - 4:00 in room J-118

Textbook: "Database Systems, the Complete Book, second edition" Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey Ullman, Jennifer Widom. ISBN 978-0-13-18325-4.
Note:  the second half may be used for CS 457, Database system implementation.
OR "A First Course in Database Systems", 3rd edition" by Jeffrey Ullman & Jennifer Widom. (out of print) (Both these books are in the Library.)

Course web page:

Land Acknowledgement

Bishop's University is located on traditional, unceded land of the Abanaki people.
K'wlipai8ba W8banakiak wdakiw8k

Calendar description: This course presents data modeling (Entity-Relationship model, UML, etc..), relational algebra, normalization, SQL language. Implementation of databases using the relational model is discussed. Object-oriented modeling and implementation is also introduced. Other topics include: Concurrency control, transaction processing, client-server systems, distributed databases, and web-based delivery of data.

Practical work will use PostgreSQL and its interfaces to programming languages.


Will not necessarily be covered in this order. Textbook locations in italics.

Grading scheme:

Lab. assignments  50%
Written assignments  20%
Midterm exam 10%
Final exam 20%

As Departmental policy, you must pass the final exam to pass the course. Supplemental exams will not be allowed. You will get the same grade in both CS 307 and CSL 307.

I expect you to participate in the weekly labs. Work submitted late will receive zero credit.

2 delays allowed

Anyone can get sick, have conflicting family commitments, or unexpected emergencies. Therefore, at most 2 assignments or labs may be submitted up to one week late. This "grace" allowance is intended to cover unexpected contingencies, and should not be used frivolously early in the semester.

Online course materials and assignments
Back to Lin Jensen
Last updated: 3 September 2024