CS 457/557 Assignment 7 - Query plans
Due Friday, 16 March 2018
A. For the following SQL
- Convert to a Logical query plan in relational algebra (Drawing as
a tree would be helpful)
- Optimize this tree by pushing operations down the tree
- Recognize joins, and
- Group the associative - commutative operators, into the "Logical
Query Plan"
Here is the schema --- you
can use the short forms below:
Students(id, name,
Courses (ccode,
title, professor)
Enrollment(id, ccode, grade)
SELECT name, ccode
FROM Students S natural join Enrollment E
WHERE major='CSC'
SELECT name, title, grade
FROM Students S, Courses C, Enrollment E
WHERE C.ccode like 'CS%'
AND S.id =E.id
AND C.ccode = E.ccode
SELECT name, title, professor
FROM Students S, Courses C
WHERE id = 42
AND id, ccode IN
(SELECT id, ccode FROM
Enrollment E) (you can assume distinctness for this
SELECT name, ccode, title, professor
FROM Students S, Courses C, Enrollment E
WHERE S.id = 42
AND S.id= E.id
AND C.ccode = E.ccode