program Marriage_Tournament; {Morven's Marriage tournament, designed to produce a constellation of "stable marriages". A constellation of marriages is "unstable" if there exist 2 people, both of whom prefer each other to their current partners. MODIFIED RULES (which may lead to unstable marriages): Not necessarily the same number of males and females There is a time of courtship Females have a "time to old maid panic", when they settle for the current fiance.} {Adapted from W. Kreutzer's SIMULA model, for OOP Turbo Pascal and toolboxes, By Lin Jensen, Bishop's University, November, 1996} USES simobj, mcobj, statobj, qnetobj, clock, queue, coproc, proc_man, MESSAGE, usebios; const Meanlengthofcourtship = 5.0; Sigmalengthofcourtship= 2.0; TYPE {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} { This program uses arrays allocated at run time } {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} FlexArray = Array[1..2] of integer; {upper limit only important for range checking. Do you ever enable range checking?} Aptr = ^FlexArray; {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} { OBJECT CLASS DECLARATIONS } PersonP = ^person; Person = object (procdescr) Preferences : Aptr; {[1..noOfCandidates]} {holds indices of candidates, most favoured first} CurrentFiancee : personP; stillUndecided : boolean; Engaged : Boolean; constructor Init (noOfCandidates:integer; indexP:integer); procedure report; virtual; end; MaleP = ^male; FemaleP = ^female; Male = object (person) CurrentProposee:FemaleP; procedure LifeCycle; virtual; constructor Init (noOfCandidates:integer; indexP:integer); private procedure ProposeToNextBestFemale (nextbestChoice:FemaleP); end; Female = object (person) qOfSuitors : PortDescr; {wait for messages of proposal} CurrentProposer : maleP; TimeToOldMaidPanic : real; procedure LifeCycle; virtual; constructor Init (noOfCandidates:integer; indexP:integer); private procedure TentativelyAcceptOrRejectProposal; procedure PanicNow; end; Flexmale = Array[1..2] of MaleP; {arrays holding pointers to persons} MaleAptr = ^FlexMale; FlexFemale = Array[1..2] of FeMaleP; FeMaleAptr = ^FlexFeMale; {====================================================================} VAR {GLOBAL} NoOfFemales, NoOfMales : Integer; LengthOfSim : Real; TableOfFemales : FemaleAptr; {init to [1..noOfFemales]} TableOfMales : MaleAPtr; Panic : RandomUniform; Courtship : RandomNormal; data : text; {====================================================================} {method implementations} constructor Person.Init (noOfCandidates:integer; indexP:integer); var nameP : string; partner: integer; begin Readln (data, NameP); procdescr.init (NameP,indexP); { Preferences : Aptr; } {[1..noOfCandidates]} {holds indices of candidates, most favoured first} GetMem (preferences, noOfCandidates*sizeof(integer)); for partner := 1 to noOfCandidates do read (data, preferences^[partner]); Readln (data); CurrentFiancee := NIL; stillUndecided := true; Engaged := false; end; {person.init} constructor Female.Init (noOfCandidates:integer; indexP:integer); begin person.init (noOfCandidates, indexP); qOfSuitors.Init; {Port: wait for messages of proposal} qOfSuitors.SpecificLabel (Name); CurrentProposer := NIL; TimeToOldMaidPanic := Panic.Uniform; end; constructor male.Init (noOfCandidates:integer; indexP:integer); begin person.init (noOfCandidates, indexP); CurrentProposee:= NIL; end; procedure; begin; if StillUndecided then write (' is currently engaged to ') else write (' agrees to marry '); if CurrentFiancee = Nil then writeln (' nobody (sigh)!') else writeln (currentFiancee^.name); end; procedure ExchangeRings (bride: FemaleP; groom : MaleP); begin writeln (bride^.name, ' accepts the proposal of ',groom^.name,' at ', TheClock.Telltime:7:2); bride^. CurrentFiancee := groom; bride^. Engaged := TRUE; groom^. CurrentFiancee := bride; groom^. Engaged := TRUE; end; {exchangerings} procedure male.lifecycle; var partner : integer; begin {sleep_for (StartGun.NegExp); } {Time to get started - randomize males} for partner := 1 to NoOfFemales do ProposeToNextBestFemale (TableOfFemales^[preferences^[partner]]); writeln; writeln (' :( :( :( ', name, ' has no luck, leaves for Golden Lion Pub'); write (' to drown sorrows at '); theClock.rite; writeln; writeln; end; procedure Male.ProposeToNextBestFemale (nextBestChoice : FemaleP); var lovenote: noteptr; begin IF nextBestChoice^.StillUndecided then begin New (lovenote, init); WRITE (NAME:25, ' IS WOOING ',NEXTBESTCHOICE^.NAME, ' at'); theClock.rite; writeln; nextBestChoice^.qOfSuitors.SEND (lovenote); suspend; {wait for reply} CurrentProposee := nextBestChoice; SLEEP_FOR (Courtship.Normal); {time of courtship} {she could have paniced while I was dithering} If StillUndecided and CurrentProposee^.StillUndecided then begin Write (Name, ' proposes to ', Currentproposee^.name, ' at '); theClock.rite; writeln; CurrentProposee^.Currentproposer := Addr(self); resume (currentProposee); suspend; {wait for rejection} end; {else, she paniced, go on to next on list} end; {if still undecided} end; {propose to...} procedure Female.lifecycle; var newOffer : noteptr; begin newOffer := qOfSuitors.RECEIVE; {wait for first offer} { SLEEP_FOR (0.1); } {open the envelope -- IMPORTANT guarantee time for him to suspend!} resume (newoffer^.sender); {smile at him} suspend; {allow time for courtship} ExchangeRings (addr(self){this female}, CurrentProposer); WHILE Theclock.telltime < timetoOldMaidPanic DO {not totally what we want} TentativelyAcceptOrRejectProposal; {Panic, settle on currentFiancee} PanicNow; suspend; {do nothing more, stay around for report} end; procedure Female.TentativelyAcceptOrRejectProposal; var newOffer : noteptr; YesterdaysHero : MaleP; begin newOffer := qOfSuitors.RECEIVE; {wait for another offer} SLEEP_FOR (0.1); {open the envelope -- IMPORTANT guarantee time for him to suspend!} RESUME (newoffer^.sender); suspend; {allow time for courtship} if Theclock.telltime >=TimeToOldMaidpanic then PanicNow {don't even pay attention to newoffer} else {--- NOW make a decision ----} if preferences^[CurrentProposer^.index] < preferences^[CurrentFiancee^.index] then begin {This guy is better than the old one} {Break engagement} YesterdaysHero := maleP(CurrentFiancee); write (name, ' breaks her engagement to ', yesterdaysHero^.name,' at'); TheClock.rite; writeln; Engaged := false; YesterdaysHero^.engaged := false; YesterdaysHero^.CurrentFiancee := NIL; resume (YesterdaysHero); {send him hunting again} ExchangeRings (addr(self){this female}, CurrentProposer); end else begin {blissfully happy, send new one away} RESUME (CurrentProposer); write (Name, ' rejects ',CurrentProposer^.name, ' at '); TheClock.rite; writeln; end; end; {tentatively} procedure Female.PanicNow; begin StillUndecided := false; CurrentFiancee^.StillUndecided := false; writeln; write ('**** ',name ,' panics and settles on ',currentFiancee^.name,' at'); theClock.rite; writeln; writeln; end; {====================================================================} procedure ReadAndInitialize; var PersonIndex : integer; {for initialization step} hilda : FemaleP; stan : MaleP; courtseed, panicseed : integer; begin {Read and Initialize} assign (data, 'cupid.dat'); reset (data); {open input file} {read parameters of tournament} readln (data, noOfFemales); readln (data, noOfMales); readln (data, courtseed, panicseed); {random number seeds} readln (data, lengthOfSim); {how long is tournament} Panic.init (panicSeed, 30, 120); {initialize random no. gens} Courtship.init (courtSeed, MeanLengthofCourtship, SigmaLengthofCourtship); {IMPORTANT! Instantiate Tables with length read in----} GetMem (TableOfFemales, sizeof(FemaleP)*noOfFemales); GetMem (TableOfmales, sizeof(maleP)*noOfmales); {instantiate persons, this reads their names and preferences from data} for personindex := 1 to noOfFemales do begin new (hilda, init (NoOfMales, personindex)); TableOfFemales^[personIndex] := hilda; resume (hilda); end; for personindex := 1 to noOfMales do begin new (stan, init (NoOfFeMales, personindex)); TableOfmales^[personIndex] := stan; resume (stan); end; close(data); end; {read and initialize} begin {main program} ReadAndInitialize; {; } { monitor.trace; } Monitor.RunSimulation (LengthOfSim, 100); Reporter.ReportAll; end.