Course Outline Fall 2002
Instructor: Dr. Nelly Khouzam
ext: 2414
Class Hrs: TTh 10:00-11:30,
Classroom: N1
Lab Hrs: T/Th 13:00-14:30
Lab: J10
Office Hrs: to be posted
Course Description
This is a course on both Digital Logic
Design and Computer Organization. Basic computer components and how they
function are studied in detail. By the end of the course, you should be
able to build (in theory) a small computer (without interface!). A lab
is given with the course. The lab offers the chance to experiment with
different components, building up little circuits as we go on.
Prerequisite: CSC 116 or equivalent
Course Topics
. Introduction and number systems
. Boolean algebra and gates
. Combinational circuits (PLAs, decoders, multiplexers, adders...)
. Sequential circuits: Latches, flip-flops, analysis/design of seq.
. Registers and counters
. The Memory element (RAM, ROM, secondary storage, ...)
. Register transfer
. The Control Unit (Hardwired, Microprogrammed)
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals
by M. Morris Mano & Charles R. Kime, 2000
Other Texts
. Digital Design, by M. Mano, 2002
. Contemporary Logic Design, by R.H. Katz, 1994
. Computer Architecture and Logic Design, by Thomas C. Bartee, 1991
. Computer Organization and Architecture, by W. Stallings, 1996
. Structured Computer Organization, by A.S. Tanenbaum, 1990
. Modern Digital Systems Design, by J.Y. Cheung, 1990
. The Foundations of Computer Architecture and organization, by I.
Tomek, 1990
. Elements of Computer Organization, by Langholz, Francioni and Kandel,
Course Evaluation
. 4 Quizzes 20%
. Midterm 30%
. Lab 5 %
. Final Exam 50%
. Assignments will be regularly given out,
corrected and returned. They are to help you learn and practice and pass
your quizzes and exams. However, they do not count for marks.