
Dr. Madjid Allili

- Here is the list of all undergraduate/graduate courses I taught at Bishop's University in both departments of Mathematics and Computer Science.

-Computer Science

- CS590, Master Capstone Project.
- CS454, Complements of Algorithms and Data Structures.
- CS561/MAT529, Discrete Structures and Computational Statistics.
- CS571/MAT421, Graph Theory and Algorithms.
- CS211, Introduction to Programming.
- CS563, Image Analysis.
- CS562, Mathematical Models in Image Processing.
- CS516, Volumetric Image Analysis & Visualization.
- CS509, Pattern Recognition.
- CS507, Statistical Learning.
- CS502, Digital Topology & Mathematical Morphology.
- CS463, Computer Vision.
- CS462, Image Processing.
- CS412/512, Computer Game Design.
- CS402, Computer Graphics.
- CS318, Advanced C++ Programming.
- CS308, Scientific Programming.
- CS304, Data Structures.
- CS201, Foundations of Computer Science.


- MAT431, Metric Spaces and Topology.
- MAT311/PHY371, Mathematical Methods of Physics.
- MAT464, Topology.
- MAT401, Vector Analysis.
- MAT317, Complex Analysis.
- MAT316, Real Analysis II.
- MAT315, Real Analysis I.
- MAT314, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics.
- MAT313, Introduction to Probability.
- MAT310, Ordinary Differential Equations.
- MAT207, Advanced Calculus II.
- MAT206, Advanced Calculus I.