You will be given about one assignment per topic. The assignments may be done in groups consisting of one, two, or three students. All the collaborators must be currently enrolled in the course. A single joint solution must be submitted for each group and must include the names and student numbers of all the collaborators. Your answers can be submitted on paper or electronically by email as a single PDF and are due at the end of the class on the due date. Solutions rendered hard to read because of the hand writing and/or poor scanning will not be marked.
Please note: It is often easier to learn new concepts by working together in a group—you may learn more if you work with smart people. This being said, the purpose of group assignments is that all people in a group should be involved in creating the solution. You can of course choose to sign an assignment you haven’t done, but then you risk not learning the material, and this will come back to haunt you during the written examinations.
A first examination will cover the first part of the course (up to divide and conquer algorithms, inclusive) and is tentatively scheduled for the eighth week of the term. A second examination will cover the remainder of the course material and will be scheduled during the regular end of term examination session.
All the written tests are open-book, meaning that you can bring with you any documentation you like. Documentation sharing is however not allowed.
Grading will thus be based on assignments (20%), the first test (40%), and the second examination (40%). There will be no supplemental examinations.
Late assignment submissions: Late submissions will be accepted subject to a penalty of 10% per day late until my solutions are posted on the course’s Web site. Note that solutions may be posted as soon as two days after the due date of the respective assignment. No submissions will be accepted afterward under any circumstance.
Academic dishonesty: Any form of academic dishonesty will result automatically in zero marks for the respective test and may be further pursued according to the departmental and university regulations on the matter. I strongly recommend that you read the Academic Integrity section of the Academic Calendar.
Generally, any use of information (code or otherwise) produced by third parties (including but not limited to automated tools such as generative AI) must be avoided and if used musty be accompanied by proper credit. If in doubt check with your instructor. You must not use any information (code or otherwise) produced by other students in the course (unless they are in the same team for the respective assignment).
Should you require special accommodations please come and discuss this with me at the begining of the term. You should also contact the Student Accessibility & Accommodation Services to obtain authorization as well as assistance for any special arrangements.