Instructor and Venue

Lectures will take place in Nicols 112, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 am. The lectures are also recorded and made available on this Web site on a best-effort basis, meaning that if a recording fails then the only available alternative will be the actual lecture. I do not expect failures, but they failures may happen however occasionally. These recordings are to be considered an instrument for reviewing the matter rather than a replacement for the actual lectures.

The instructor is Stefan Bruda (email: stefan (at) bruda (dot) ca; telephone: 822-9600 x2374; office: Johnson 114B).

Office hours: Mondays 10 am to 2 pm.

In-person meetings other than office hours are also possible, feel free to bother me each time you get hold of me, or if that proves impossible email me to establish an appointment.

Outside office hours and in-person meetings I will be happy to answer your questions by email. In fact outside classes and meetings face to face email shall be the primary mean of communication; I am most easily reached by email should you have any questions or concerns outside the classroom, and once I send you an email I shall hereby consider that you read and acknowledged its content. I try to respond to all the emails within 24 hours.

Web Coordinates

The main page of the course is All the information related to the course will appear here, including assignment handouts. Note that this course does not use Moodle, except occasionally for sharing material with you.