CS 207Bishop's University

Database & Dynamic Web Design

Course Outline

Prof. Lin Jensen
Office: J-103 - hours postted on my website https://cs.ubishops.ca/ljensen
Phone: ext. 2361
e-Mail: - please keep messages short

Course website: http://cs.ubishops.ca/ljensen/webdesign

Textbook: the course pack for for CS 203 is still relevant, and it is also on line. There are dozens of Database books in the library.

This course builds upon CS 203, and adds to that the use of a database for flexible storage and retrieval of data.

Therefore, I can assume (only) that your previous experience includes familiarity with HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. You will learn an additional "language", SQL, and how to use it to create and maintain a database. The SQL servers running on Osiris are PostgreSQL (and also MySQL). I will present PostgreSQL in the lectures.

This is a "hands-on" course. You will be expected to do lab work each week, and complete some programming projects as we go along. These need to be done in a timely fashion, as they will build one upon the other. An overall goal of the course is to create your own "home pages" that you will be proud of.


I expect you to participate in the weekly labs. Please note that you will get a single mark for the course including the lab, even though the lab is registered separately as a matter of administrative convenience.

Grading Scheme

Programming assignments (lab) 60%
Content of final pages
Midterm - February 28 10%
Final exam 20%
You must pass the exam portion to pass the course. No supplemental exam will be allowed.
Please note that you will get a single mark for the course including the lab, even though the lab is registered separately as a matter of convenience.

Course sign-in & Assignments:

If you took CS 203, you will have an account on Osiris. I will still need to make you a PostgreSQL database user.
Please go to any computer, and sign in to my course(s). http://cs.ubishops.ca/ljensen/signin.html
I will then believe you are actually in the course.
Likewise, I will not know if you drop the class unless you inform me with the change form: http://cs.ubishops.ca/ljensen/updateemail.html
You are responsible for actually enroling, adding, or dropping the course, this is outside of my control.

Should you wish to continue use of your Osiris account, tell me before the end of the course, and every May thereafter (by email.)

Computers in the Computer Science Lab (J-118) are administered by ITS, same as other labs on campus.

I expect you to be present in class and participate in the weekly labs.

Lab work should be completed by Friday. Normally the assignment contains a form you will fill out to indicate you have finished, ready for marking. When I mark a lab, you will receive feedback by email, and can also view all your remarks and my feedback from a link on the course web page.

2 delays allowed

Anyone can get sick, have conflicting family commitments, or unexpected emergencies. Therefore, at most 2 lab assignments may be submitted up to two weeks late. This "grace" allowance is intended to cover unexpected contingencies, and should not be used frivolously early in the semester.

Lin Jensen